Today I felt it the most.
Today my stomach hurt.
Today I missed the comforts of a bath.
Today I missed the familiar grass.
Today I hurt.
Today it came together.
Today it fell apart.
Today I start a beginning.
Today was when it was hard to look ahead.
Today I felt lost.
Today if it were a dream I would have turned and tossed.
Today I procrastinated.
Today I watched money fly by.
Today I sat and waited.
Today I was alone.
Today I missed home.
Today I wasted.
Today flew by.
It’s tomorrow.


Tomorrow I will try.
Tomorrow I will run, not away but around the block.
Tomorrow I will run, not away but in place.
Tomorrow I will run, not away just the same pace.
Tomorrow I will run, not away but maybe a different momentum.
Tomorrow I will run, not away and hopefully forward.
Tomorrow I will run, not away because tomorrow is today.

Maybe I will procrastinate the day, wasting today, turning tomorrow, yet another day.