Sometimes it is nice to re-connect with people from earlier in our lives. I kinda hope everyone could have had the roller coaster love that I had when I was younger. The kind where every song was your song, every moment was from a movie, and every breakup felt like a tragic comedy of your life.
Moments lumped so quickly together you would break down in tears and not even know why. Crazy adventures before the realities of life were a thought in your mind. A time when your body hadn’t changed and you were strong enough to take on any challenge or stupid choice you made.
The ability, like a small child, to bounce when dropped. The option to cry or not, because it hurt, honestly not knowing what pain meant yet.
These are sometimes nice things to remember.
Although sometimes distance and time can force you to try to re-open these times and they can leave you very unhappy, but I think we all need to re-visit those moments once or twice before we can just be happy knowing they existed.
I did it, and facebook and the same phone number since I was 18, kept it alive long enough to run its course.
So I looked forward to each message today, and the fact that we are not going to need to fall in love again, but just immediately jump back into the good, bad, and extremely ugly moments of that time. Where have no inhibition toward each other and just talk freely. I am sure the currently boyfriends and girlfriends do not appreciate it, but hey, it is still funny in a dark humored way.
Plus sometimes it is nice to remember what it felt like to finally get that kiss, or to mess it up so bad even before it started, causing it to jump start harder than it would have before. To remember the smells of your old colognes/perfumes or the people who were involved in your life, for better or worse.
The little moments you shared in the snow, with a candle, or waking up to her at the foot of your guest bed with her mother down the hall. The outfits she wore that were perfect in your eyes, and the opinions we thought we had of each other.
It is not the feelings of that which usually accompany seeing people back from highschool, when you can gauge your success or looks vs theirs and how it “used to be” but just remembering what it used to be plainly.
(If you are curious about the title:
(comments from facebook)

I think it’s awesome that you’ve reconnected with one of the first girls you met. It reminds you now of how far you’ve come as a person, and gives you the opportunity to giggle at the stupid shit you did back then. (And, I’m certain you did plenty of it– don’t deny it! hah)
I think that life likes to circle around every few years or so… We all keep having the same life lessons, but the goal is to grow and learn from our past mistakes. Maybe reconnecting with her will reinforce the lessons you’ve learned…